Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

aplikasi seru

hey kawan ,
come back,,,,
kalian punya fb kan,,, mau ngeksis d fb kagak ? dgn pasang status yg berembel-embel melalui Facebook for Blackberry
yapz kalian yang gak punya i-phone, BB, ato apalah kalian bisa update status lewat aplikasi fb yang bisa bkin "wah" tmn2 kalian.
misal update status lwt BB tmen lu komen "hape baru nyong?"
ya seperti itulah.....
kalo kalian mau exsis lewat aplikasi di alamat ini aplikasi seru

check it dot :P
Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

The Technicolor Phase

I am the red in the rose, the flowers
On the blankets on your bedroom floor.
And I am the gray in the ghost that hides
With your clothes behind your closet door.

I am the green in the grass that bends back
From underneath your feet.
And I am the blue in your back alley view
Where the horizon and the rooftops meet.

If you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colors
Of the evening stars.
You can go anywhere you wish cause I'll be there,
wherever you are.
(Wherever you are) 2x

(I will always be your keys
When we are lost in the technicolor phase)

I am the black in the book
The letters on the pages that you memorize.
And I am the orange in the overcast
Of color that you visualize.

I am the white in the walls that soak up
All the sound when you cannot sleep.
And I am the peach in the starfish on the beach
That wish the harbor wasn't quite so deep.

If you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colors
Of the evening stars. (my darling)
You can go anywhere you wish cause I'll be there,
wherever you are. (my darling)

Wherever you are

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

to catch a fairy

Untuk menangkap peri kamu harus mendengarkan dengan cermat,
kamu gak bisa melihat mereka kecuali sayap kecil mereka berkilau.
Mereka bersembunyi di semak-semak dan menari di bawah bulan
dan jika kamu beruntung, mungkin mereka memberikanmu sebuah anuger

Ketika udara yang tebal dan malam adalah menakutkan,
mereka berdansa di sekitar dan sering ceria.
Jadi apakah Anda benar-benar mencapai,
untuk menangkap peri Anda harus percaya. :D

Do you belive in fairies ?

Can you keep a secreet? Fairies do exist and they are everywhere : in your house,in your garden,in the fields,and in the parks. Fairies love trees and flowers and are often found deep in the heart of magical forests.
if you are lucky, you might catch a glimpse of a fairy dancing beneath the full moon on Midsummer's Eve.Or you might see one fluttering about the human world.
if you haven't seen a fairy, how do you go about finding one ? Fairies only reveal themselves to people who truly belive in them. if you really want to see fairies, you must first let their magic into your heart.So leave all your disbeliefs behind and get ready to enter the wonderful world of fairies.

Senin, 12 April 2010

masa kecil. . .

kalo inget2 masa kecilku pasti aku ketawa ketiwi sendiri ,,,
huuh emang lucu ya jaman kecil masih imut2 tp skrg dah gede amit2.. ( huss tetep imut kok :D )

ni foto zamanku masih umur setahun ....


ni foto waktu aku masih playgroup,, ni kegiatan karnaval sama Sandra ;)
aku yang sebelah kanan :D


ni waktu foto TK bareng2 sama temen2
aku di barisan ke-3 no 11 dari kiri,,
carii dehh . .. :D

masa2 SMP sekarang ini ,, bahagia
aku yang pake jaket merah :)




ini pas waktu reuni sama cewek2 TK :D


yapzz, sudah dulu,,, cari saja saya yg mana ? ?

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010


bunga berwarna kuning ini berasal dari bahasa prancis Dent de lion yang diplesetkan di Inggris pada 1066 menjadi Dandelion.

ada yang bilang kalo kita bisa meniup setangkai bunga dandelion yang masih utuh biji-bijinya niscaya semua keinginan kita terkabul. ;wow;

but, ternyata gak gampang niup seluruh benang bunga dandelion dengan sekali tiuppan, susahhh lho !!.'

tapi kalo pingin keinginannya terkabul ya coba saja...

you try this by yourself ;) !

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Romeo n Juliet

In the town of Verona lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues, engaged in a bitter feud. Among the Montagues was Romeo, a hot-blooded lad with an eye for the ladies.

One day, Romeo was recounting for his friends his love for Rosaline, a haughty beauty from a well-to-do family. Romeo's friends chided him for his "love of love" but agreed to a plan to attend the feast of the Capulets', a costume party where Rosaline was expected to make an appearance. The disguises would provide Romeo and his friends a bit of sport and the opportunity to gaze undetected upon the fair Rosaline. Once there, however, Romeo's eyes fell upon Juliet, and he thought of Rosaline no more.

Asking around to learn the identity of Juliet, Romeo's voice is recognized by Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. Tybalt calls for his sword, but the elder Capulet intervenes, insisting that no blood be shed in his home. So Romeo is tolerated long enough to find an opportunity to speak to Juliet alone, still unaware of her identity.

He begs for an opportunity to kiss her hand. She relents. He presses his case, desiring her lips. She has no breath to stop him. Interrupted by the girl's nurse, Romeo learns the name of his heart's desire: Juliet Capulet.

The vision of Juliet now invades his every thought. Unable to sleep, Romeo returns late that night to the bedroom window of his love, hiding in the bushes below. There, he is surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her love for him and wishing that he were not a Montague.

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name. . .
What's a Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet. .

Romeo appears from the bushes, ready to deny his name and profess his love. The two agree to meet at nine o-clock the next morning to be married.

Early the next morning, Romeo appears at the cell of Friar Lawrence begging the friar to marry him to Juliet. Friar Lawrence does not take Romeo seriously at first, but he is soon impressed with Romeo's sincerity. The Friar agrees to perform the ceremony, praying that the union might someday put an end to the feud between the two households. Still, he advises Romeo keep the marriage a secret for a time. Romeo and Juliet are married.

On the way home, Romeo chances upon his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt in the public square. Spying Romeo, Tybalt tries to taunt him into a fight. Romeo has no desire to harm the kinsman of his new wife. Mercutio is stunned and embarrassed by Romeo's soft words and draws his sword. Romeo tries to restrain his friend, but Tybalt thrusts his sword underneath Romeo's arm, stabbing Mercutio. Tybalt then flees with his friends. The wound is worse than at first suspected. "Ask for me tomorrow," says Mercutio, "and you shall find me a grave man." He dies.

Tybalt returns still cursing the unexpectedly reluctant Romeo. But Romeo is reluctant no longer, drawing his sword and slaying Tybalt. The moment Tybalt falls, Romeo realizes he has made a terrible mistake: "O, I am fortune's fool!"

Desperate, Romeo rushes to Friar Lawrence who advises him to travel to Mantua until things cool down. He promises to inform Juliet.

Juliet receives the news of Tybalt's death and Romeo's exile. She dares not mention her marriage to her father now. Then, she receives more bad news. Her father has decided it is time for her to marry. He has selected a suitor: Paris, a kinsman of Mercutio.

Juliet, too, rushes to Friar Lawrence for counsel. The good Friar launches an elaborate plot. Juliet should agree to marry Paris. She will then take a sleeping potion, which will simulate death for three days. Her body will be placed in a tomb while she is mourned, and the Friar will send word to Romeo. Romeo will arrive in time to rescue her. The celebration over her return to life will provide an opportunity to explain about the marriage and the circumstances surrounding Tybalt's death.

The plot proceeds according to plan, and the wedding preparations for Paris and Juliet give way to solemn funeral arrangements. But the Friar's letter to Romeo fails to reach him before he hears of Juliet's death. Romeo obtains a poison from an apothecary and travels to Verona.

Under the cover of darkness, he breaks into Juliet's tomb. They are alone for only a moment. Paris, who also had come to mourn Juliet, interrupts, and believing Romeo to be a grave robber, draws his sword. The two men fight, and Paris is killed. Dying, Paris asks that his body be placed next to Juliet's. Only now recognizing Paris, the guilt stricken Romeo obliges.

Then Romeo kisses the lips of his Juliet one last time.

Eyes, look your last.
Arms, take your last embrace.
And, lips, O you the doors of breath,
Seal with a righteous kiss
A dateless bargain to engrossing death

Romeo thanks the apothecary for his skill and drinks the poison.

The effects of the sleeping potion wear off, and Juliet awakens calling for Romeo. Finding him next to her, dead, with a cup in his hand, she guesses what has transpired. She tries to kiss the poison from his lips, but failing that, unsheathes his dagger and plunges it into her breast.

Friar Lawrence learns that Romeo has not received his letter and rushes to Juliet's tomb to rescue her. He discovers the tomb already open and finds the sad contents within. Soon the Friar is joined by the Night Watchman, who had been alerted to the disturbance. Then the families gather around the star-crossed lovers. The Friar's mournful account of their death shames the two families into ending their feud forever.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

drawing time !

gambaran ini njiplak punya temenkuu, ya isenk aku gambar di laptop ,,
jadi deh . . .

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

dangerous and sweet

by: lenka
it's difficult to see
from the surface
but everything goes in
and it stings like a spider
hits you deep inside and

i know that you are just like me
we're an ordinary breed
taking everything for much more than it means
it's dangerous and it's sweet
cut us and we bleed . . .

all these words we speak casually
well maybe i'm just weak but it hurts me
everything you said
everything you said
everything you said
well it cuts like a knife
it hurts me deep inside and

...i should put on my armor
the next time i see you so i won't be harmed
but i know i can shoot my own arrows
i'm sorry i hurt you
i know that like me you can be
oversensitive. . .

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